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Monday, October 1, 2012

Are You Ready To test Your Dreams?

             Dreams are precious commodities and it gives us power or energy. They make us passionate. Everyone should have a dream. What if you’re not confident whether you have a dream you want to pursue? Let’s face it. Many people were not confident to dream. Others have dreams but lose hope and set them aside. Don’t lose hope.

OK! You may be saying to yourself, I’ve got dream. I think it’s worth pursuing. Think of it, how can we know that our chances are good for achieving it? I list down some guide question that brings you to your dreams:    Is my dream really my dream?,  Do I clearly see my dream?, Does my dream oblige me to follow?,  Do I have a policy to reach my dream?,  I included the people I need to appreciate my dream?,   Does my dream do well to others?
I think that if we really answer each question, observe our self sincerely and answer yes to all of them, the chances of achieving our dream are very good. I really believe that everyone has a potential to imagine a worthwhile dream and most of all is, the ability to achieve it. It doesn’t matter how big your dream is, as long as you can handle it and have a confident to yourself that you can do it!
        Speechwriter and comedy author Robert Orben said, “Always remember there are only two kinds of people in this world— the realists and the dreamers. The realists know where they’re going. The dreamers have already been there.”
If you have defined your dream, then you are ready to put it to the test and start going after it.


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