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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Stuff for DREAMS

material dreams - just like my dreams
             When you heard the word MATERIAL DREAMS, what thought/ meaning can you find for it? Let’s find the real meaning behind this word.
When I first heard this word, my first thought is about things/object that people can make them happy. It can be a property, materials, possessions and wealth. There is belief that riches or belongings will make people happy and what you called “material dreams”.  This material dreams can sometimes people pursue their self to become successful to buy or to get their want in life, its either materials or not. If you are a rich person, you can easily buy things you want but how about the poor people who are also dreaming that too? What they do to get it? That’s why many people do their best in order to achieve their dreams. They work and work to earn money for that matter especially the people who are lacks in money, right? But opposite of this, there are people who hates wasting their money buying those things that are not important for them! And because of that, we can’t blame those people who are loved to buy those things and remember that it’s only a dream that people wants to have it. Some examples of those materials are the following: great house, fancy cars, gadgets, more money and many more. 
When I and my friends were in travel, we always look at the outside of the car then looking for the beautiful places and houses then pointing out the one that are so attractive in our eyes then saying “WOW! SEE that house oh! The houses here are so very nice! They are all big and beautiful! I want that too. Someday, I can also have that” the same as for gadgets, money and cars.  Then seeing at each other and talking about our future. ^_^ 
Yes, having that all materials in yourself makes you satisfied for your happiness. Happiness that makes everyone inspired for everything. As what I said to my previous topic, having a dreams in life are not bad, as long as you can handle it and this is  not bad ,go for it! Enjoy your life being a dreamer!^_^  It’s either high or low don’t be shy to reveal your dreams, be proud of it! We do not know that someday you are the riches person in your own country then those dreams that you want to get is you have it all now? ^_^
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.  -Jesse Owens

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Romantic Dreams makes you Happy

romantic dreams - just like my dreams
Romantic Dreams For You

Are you having the romantic dreams you have always wanted especially in your imagination? Why is it so easy for us to fantasize about the most amazing romances, but can never finding such romances that can be real? There is no such thing as a romantic dream comes true until you create its existence. Thats right; you carry the answer that will open the magical way to make all of your romantic dreams come true.
                This situation is always fall for teenagers who are in love, right? The guy that they like most is that, they want to be their partner in life. Hehehe . Well, if that is what they are waiting for, be preparing to keep on waiting. (Just like me, waiting for a guy who are in love with someone else!hehe). As what people said, this kind of dream is not bad as long as you can handle it by yourself.
                If you want your fantasies to become a part of reality, then why not introduced them to reality? hehe. They always say that, ahh that’s my dream, marry the person that fits for me, the one that can complete my life and give all I want. But did you think that this qualification makes you happy and your relationship going strong? It is better to think first before making decision. But we can't deny that  this fantasies makes us happy, right? ^_^
Honestly speaking, I’ve been dreaming about one of my guy friends for almost a month it’s because I secretly like him. That’s my romantic dream. Hehehe. But living the romantic life of your dreams is really possible, but requires time, patience and most importantly, being sincere with others and yourself about whom you really are and what you really desire for your dreams and accomplishing true romance can only happen when you express yourself freely and confidently. No one can read your mind and there will be no magical wand that will signal over you.
Time will come that you will be living your romantic dream come true with a person who feels the same and the two of you will have the great relationship you have been searching for. Don’t searches your romances, God will provide the best romance for us.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Inspiration to Dream

dream it - just like my dreams

Do you have a dream which you want to reach? If yes, who/what is your source of that inspiration?
Most people who have a dream and are on the path of their dream would admit that they need and have some foundation of inspiration to move forward in their journey.  This source of inspiration makes our journey more exciting because we are inspired to do this. Being inspired by someone is one of the main reasons why everyone reached their dream in life.
Every time I ask my friends if who/what their inspiration in their life to achieve their dream is their family or love ones. YES, my answer too is my family. I am a person because my parents taught me by example to be a great individual. They inspires and encourages all of my dreams and I know that there is nothing I want to do I cannot strive for. You cannot reach your goal without having an inspiration in life.
Although everybody will not admit it, everyone has a secret dream in their life. That little something that they’ve always thought about and wished possibly will happen. It may be success in a dream job, it might be travel to a far, and it can even be hopes of having a family. No matter what it is, this secret dream is that one thing that they wish.
Secret dream??hmmm. Do you have a secret dream, right? What is it?? I know it’s your secret. Hehehe. You can share it if you want :-). Just go with the flow and follow your dreams.
It is better if you are inspired doing things in your life. If you don’t have yet inspiration in your life, let your family, friends, best friends, God , your especial someone or even your crush is the source of your inspiration. And if that happen, I’m sure that it is possible to make this dream come true. :-)